At a time when the economy is what it is, galleries are closing left and right, and selling original art is is like like trying to convince a person that they want to pay me to shoot them in the foot, I am so glad to have found my needle felting niche. But I could be felting the best felted wool critters in all the land and not achieve the success I am having without Etsy.
Most of you are familiar with Etsy: the online marketplace for handmade items. I have had my etsy shop for one year now. It started with a BANG last winter! Then it fizzled to a sad trickle over the summer. In the Fall of 2010 I couldn't list much on etsy because I was hoarding my critters for local shows. As I got back into the etsy swing of things in 2011 I am so pleased that my shop has so far found a strong and steady pace.
Most of what I sell are bunnies. Which is funny. I like bunnies but they are not in the front running. I must have the cunning to make them "right on the money." I felt so many my fingers are numby. I am so grateful for my etsy bunny money. With it, I will make my kitchen unsurpassably stunning. And in it I will cook dinners so yummy. Shoot, that's a "m." Dag-nabbit guess I'll start rhyming "rabbit." This could become a habit. I'll stop; I'm sure you've had it. Or else your thinking of the next rhyme to nab it or grab it.
Thank you Etsy shoppers! I love my job! God willing I will be felting bunnies and other critters for the rest of my days.
What can I had such a way...with your words on Sunday.
you're so punny : )
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